We have many Members that are having great success with tax sale investing! We would like to profile and highlight your success. Many times seeing the results of others can help motivate us when investing. If you had success investing in Goverment Tax Sales, please let us know. We would love to track your success for future case studies and testimonials.
We at are so excited about our Students Success! Help us Share your Success by submitting the form below. Thanks
BONUS - Everyone who submits a Success Story will Quailfy for ticket to our 1-Day Online Workshop Training! Fill out the form below now to save your Seat for the 1-Day Online Workshop Event.
This 1-Day Advanced Online Workshop will only be available to Members who have submitted their Success Story to TSS. If you would like to attend this 1-Day Training, please fill out the Form below to Quailfy.

When filling out the Form below please include as much information as possible. Try to include information like the state, county and parcel number for the property. This detailed information will allow us to use the property in our Case Study Review. We will always be discrete when sharing your story, and will only include your First Name. We look forward to highlighting your Success and giving you a ticket to the Special 1-Day Online Advanced Workshop!
By filling out this form, you are giving TSS permission to use of your testimonial in our marketing and case studies. TSS will only use your first name, and will never share any personal information.